scGate: marker-based purification of cell types from single-cell RNA-seq datasets
This demo illustrates the main functionalities of the scGate package for purifying cell type populations of interest from heterogeneous single-cell cell datasets. We start from basic, single-gene filters and move gradually to more complex hierarchical models composed of multi-gene signatures. We show these examples on public data, but you should be able to adapt them to your own single-cell datasets.
Setting up the environment
Loading demo datasets
This helper function retrieves some toy datasets with cell type annotations, useful to test our models:
testing.datasets <- scGate::get_testing_data(version = "hsa.latest")
palette <- c(list(Impure = "gray", Pure = "green"))
Let’s play with a (downsampled) dataset of PBMCs from Hao et al. 2021 (
obj <- testing.datasets[["Satija"]]
DimPlot(obj, label = T, repel = T, = "celltype.l1") + theme(legend.position = "none",
aspect.ratio = 1)
Creating a simple gating model
Now let’s setup a simple scGate gating model to purify a population of interest - here B cells.
B cells are usually identified by the expression of CD20, encoded by MS4A1.
levels use_as name signature
1 level1 positive Bcell MS4A1
Run scGate to purify B cells with the simple single-gene model
obj <- scGate(data = obj, model = my_scGate_model, verbose = T)
DimPlot(obj, cols = palette) + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
Because in this demo example we know the ground truth cell types (at least, as defined by the authors), we can evaluate scGate predictive performance in terms of precision/positive predictive value, recall/sensitivity, and accuracy using Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC)
0.9967742 0.9967742 0.9961825
With this very simple model, >99% (Recall) are isolated with a >99% purity (Precision), and overall classification performance (MCC) >99%
Another example: we can isolate plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs), defined using the marker LILRA4 (e.g.
my_scGate_model <- gating_model(name = "pDC", signature = c("LILRA4")) # add one positive signature
levels use_as name signature
1 level1 positive pDC LILRA4
# Run the model
obj <- scGate(data = obj, model = my_scGate_model)
DimPlot(obj, cols = palette) + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
1 1 1
Gating models with positive and negative markers
Natural killer cells (NKs) are characterized by the marker KLRD1. However, KLRD1 can also be expressed by some T cell subsets. To improve sensitivity to isolate NKs, we can include in our gating strategy “negative” T cell markers such as CD3D.
my_scGate_model <- gating_model(name = "NK", signature = c("NCAM1+", "KLRD1+", "CD3D-"))
obj <- scGate(data = obj, model = my_scGate_model, assay = DefaultAssay(obj))
DimPlot(obj, cols = palette) + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
With this simple model, 91% of NKs (recall) are isolated with a 100% purity (Precision), and overall classification performance (MCC) of 95%
1.0000000 0.9386792 0.9653516
Hierarchical gating models
In the examples above, we have been using a single-cell dataset derived from blood (PBMC). When working with more complex tissues, such as tumors, we might need to apply multiple levels of gating to isolate the population of interest. scGate allows to purify by steps, using a hierarchical gating model - for example, first purifying immune cells, and among the immune cells the cell type of interest.
Let’s explore (a downsampled version of) the whole tumor dataset by Jerby-Arnon et al. 2018 (, with the cell type annotations provided by the authors.
obj <- testing.datasets[["JerbyArnon"]]
DimPlot(obj, label = T, repel = T, = "cell_type") + theme(legend.position = "none",
aspect.ratio = 1)
The dataset comprises non-immune populations such as malignant/cancer cells (Mal), Endothelial cells (Endo) and cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF). We can try to purify first all immune cells, using pan-immune cell marker CD45 (encoded by the gene PTPRC):
my_scGate_model <- gating_model(name = "immune", signature = c("PTPRC"))
obj <- scGate(data = obj, model = my_scGate_model, verbose = T)
DimPlot(obj, cols = palette) + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
scGate::performance.metrics(obj$cell_type %in% c("B.cell", "NK", "T.CD4", "T.CD8",
"T.cell", "Macrophage"), obj$is.pure == "Pure")
0.8942701 0.9827586 0.7990127
From the immmune cells, we can generate a simple gating model to purify macrophages (using common markers CD68 and FCGR1A).
Instead of purifying macrophages directly from the whole tissue, we can set up a hierarchial scGate model to: i) isolate immune cells as in the previous example, ii) isolate macrophages from immune cells.
Hierarchical gating models can be specified in scGate using parameter “level”, as follows:
my_scGate_model <- gating_model(name = "immune", signature = c("PTPRC"), level = 1) # initialize model with one positive signature
my_scGate_model <- gating_model(model = my_scGate_model, name = "macrophage", signature = c("CD68",
"FCGR1A"), level = 2) # add positive signature at second step
obj <- scGate(data = obj, model = my_scGate_model, save.levels = T)
DimPlot(obj, cols = palette) + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
0.8968254 0.9300412 0.9010617
Here we isolated 95% of macrophages with a 90% purity (according to annotation by Jerby-Arnon et al.). We could easily improve PREC and REC by adding more positive and negative markers, respectively (e.g. removing lymphocytes)
We can always inspect the distribution of UCell scores calculated for each signature. For example:
FeaturePlot(obj, features = c("macrophage_UCell")) + scale_color_viridis(option = "D") +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
We can see how the two-level gating model worked in each step using
the function plot_levels
. The first plot shows the
purification step for CD45+ cells, the second plot the isolation of
Editing models
scGate models of arbitrary complexity can be easily constructed to
achieve high purification performance. These gating models can be
written using the gating_model() function, and manually edited using the
You can also export your basic model as tabulated text and edit it manually in Excel.
Evaluation of model performance
We provide a built-in function test_my_model
automatically evaluate the performance of a gating model using 3
pre-annotated testing datasets:
my_scGate_model <- gating_model(name = "Bcell", signature = c("MS4A1"))
panBcell.performance <- test_my_model(my_scGate_model, target = "Bcell")
JerbyArnon 0.8654545 0.9794239 0.9091995
Zilionis 0.9576720 0.9627660 0.9560761
Satija 0.9967742 0.9967742 0.9961825
In one of the datasets, precision was not optimal (90%).
We can refine it, for instance, by removing potentially contaminating T cell genes (CD3D) and try again:
my_scGate_model <- gating_model(model = my_scGate_model, name = "Tcell", signature = c("CD3D"),
negative = T)
panBcell.performance <- test_my_model(my_scGate_model, target = "Bcell")
JerbyArnon 0.9449153 0.9176955 0.9218635
Zilionis 0.9576720 0.9627660 0.9560761
Satija 0.9967742 0.9967742 0.9961825
Predictive performance is now very high for the three sample datasets.
Using pre-defined gating models
We also provide some pre-defined gating models, these can be
retrieved with the get_scGateDB()
models.DB <- scGate::get_scGateDB()
[1] "Bcell" "Bcell.GerminalCenter"
[3] "Bcell.NonGerminalCenter" "CD4T"
[5] "CD8T" "CD8TIL"
[7] "Endothelial" "Epithelial"
[9] "Erythrocyte" "Immune"
[11] "Macrophage" "Mast"
[13] "Megakaryocyte" "MoMac"
[15] "MoMacDC" "MoMacDCMast"
[17] "Monocyte" "Myeloid"
[19] "Neutrophils" "NK"
[21] "PanBcell" "panDC"
[23] "PlasmaCell" "Stromal"
[25] "Tcell" "Tcell.alphabeta"
[1] "CD4T" "CD8T" "MoMacDC" "Myeloid"
[5] "panDC" "Tcell" "Tcell.alphabeta"
Visualizing gating models
To visualize complex models in tree-like structures, we provide the
The following is a model to purify plasma (B) cells with high accuracy:
my_scGate_model <- models.DB$human$generic$PlasmaCell
plt.tree <- scGate::plot_tree(my_scGate_model)
At each level in the tree, UCell scores are evaluated both for positive and negative signatures. Only cells with sufficiently high UCell scores for at least one positive signature, and consistently low UCell scores for all negative signatures will be passed on to the next level in the tree. Upon reaching the final branch of the tree, only cells that passed all gating levels are labeled as “Pure” for the population of interest.
We can run the Plasma cell model on the whole-tumor dataset by Zilionis et al. (
obj <- testing.datasets[["Zilionis"]]
DimPlot(obj, = "cell_type", label = T, repel = T, label.size = 3) + theme(aspect.ratio = 1) +
ggtitle("Original manual annotation") + NoLegend()
Run scGate with save.levels=TRUE
to output per-level
obj <- scGate(obj, model = my_scGate_model, save.levels = TRUE)
DimPlot(obj, cols = palette) + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
Visualize filtering results by level. We can see how the purity increases at each level.
Evaluate performance of filtering compared to original annotation
scGate as a multi-class classifier
scGate can also be used a cell type classifier, to annotate multiple cell types in a dataset. Simply provide a list of models (one for each cell type of interest) to scGate and these will be jointly evaluated (faster than computing them individually)
For instance, we can use a list of models from the default scGate DB:
Then we can run scGate with this list of models:
Cells that are unequivocally assigned to only one cell type will be
annotated to that cell type; cells that pass the gate of more than one
model will be annotated as “Multi”; cells that cannot be gated by any
model will be labeled as NA. These labels are exported in a new
metadata column named scGate_multi
Bcell CD4T CD8T Endothelial Epithelial Fibroblast
190 198 120 44 148 104
Macrophage Mast Monocyte Multi Neutrophils NK
209 66 74 4 97 135
panDC PlasmaCell <NA>
96 85 430
multi <- DimPlot(obj, = "scGate_multi", label = T, repel = T, label.size = 2) +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1) + ggtitle("scGate annotation") + NoLegend()
orig <- DimPlot(obj, = "cell_type", label = T, repel = T, label.size = 2) +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1) + ggtitle("Original manual annot") + NoLegend()
orig | multi
We note that cell types for which a model was available were consistently annotated. In this example we did not provide models for e.g. Neutrophils and Mast cells, so these cells were left unannotated. We leave it as an exercise to design models for these cell types based on markers from literature, and to increase the coverage of cells that can be confidently annotated. scGate users are welcome to contribute their gating models to the scGate models repository!
Fast gating using pre-calculated dimensionality reduction
By default, scGate performs dimensionality reduction (DM) at each hierarchical level of the gating strategy, for sensitive kNN smoothing (see paper). However, if a pre-calculated DM is available in your input object, this can be provided to scGate to avoid this step and speed-up computation. This feature can be particularly useful to gate integrated datasets (eg after using Harmony, Seurat, or STACAS).
Here we will run scGate using the pre-calculated pca space, by
setting reduction = "pca"
We also used ncores=4
to tell scGate to parallelize the
computation using 4 cores, to speed up
multi <- DimPlot(obj, = "scGate_multi") + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
orig <- DimPlot(obj, = "cell_type", label = T, repel = T, label.size = 2) +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1) + ggtitle("Original manual annot") + NoLegend()
orig | multi
Further reading
The scGate package and installation instructions are available at: scGate package
The code for this demo can be found on GitHub
The repository for scGate gating moels is at: scGate models repository
Hao, Y., Hao, S., Andersen-Nissen, E., Mauck III, W. M., Zheng, S., Butler, A., … & Satija, R. (2021). Integrated analysis of multimodal single-cell data. Cell.
Murray, L., Xi, Y., & Upham, J. W. (2019). CLEC4C gene expression can be used to quantify circulating plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Journal of immunological methods, 464, 126-130.
Jerby-Arnon, L., Shah, P., Cuoco, M. S., Rodman, C., Su, M. J., Melms, J. C., … & Regev, A. (2018). A cancer cell program promotes T cell exclusion and resistance to checkpoint blockade. Cell, 175(4), 984-997.
Zilionis, R., Engblom, C., Pfirschke, C., Savova, V., Zemmour, D., Saatcioglu, H. D., … & Klein, A. M. (2019). Single-cell transcriptomics of human and mouse lung cancers reveals conserved myeloid populations across individuals and species. Immunity, 50(5), 1317-1334.