TIL contexture predicts checkpoint blockade response in melanoma patients
In this case study, we will use ProjecTILs to interpret human scRNA-seq T cell data in the context of a murine TIL atlas. We are going to use the single-cell dataset generated by Sade-Feldman GSE120575 to illustrate interspecies mapping of human cells on a stable murine atlas using gene orthologs.
It remains unclear why some patients respond to checkpoint blockade therapy while others do not.
In the study by Sade-Feldman et al. (2018) Cell, the authors characterize transcriptional profiles of immune cells from melanoma patients before and after immune checkpoint blockade, with the goal to identify factors that associate with success or failure of checkpoint therapy. They reported that the balance between two CD8 T cell states found in tumor tissue (essentially, memory-like vs exhausted-like) is linked to tumor regression following checkpoint blockade. And in particular, that the frequency of TCF7+ CD8+ T cells in tumors predicts response and better survival.
The single-cell expression data GSE120575 consists of CD45+ single cells from 48 tumor biopsies of melanoma patients before or after checkpoint inhibitors treatment, sequenced using the Smart-seq2 protocol. Meta-data on response to therapy (Responder vs. Non-responder) is also available on the same GEO identifier.
R Environment
Check & load R packages
scRNA-seq data preparation
Download the count matrix and metadata from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), and store as Seurat object.
cached.object <- "SadeFeldman.seurat.rds"
if (!file.exists(cached.object)) {
geo_acc <- "GSE120575"
datadir <- "input/SadeFeldman"
gse <- getGEO(geo_acc)
series <- paste0(geo_acc, "_series_matrix.txt.gz")
system(paste0("mkdir -p ", datadir))
getGEOSuppFiles(geo_acc, baseDir = datadir)
## Load expression matrix and metadata
exp.mat <- read.delim(sprintf("%s/%s/GSE120575_Sade_Feldman_melanoma_single_cells_TPM_GEO.txt.gz",
datadir, geo_acc), header = F, sep = "\t")
genes <- exp.mat[c(-1, -2), 1]
cells <- as.vector(t(exp.mat[1, 2:16292]))
samples <- as.factor(t(exp.mat[2, 2:16292]))
exp.mat <- exp.mat[c(-1, -2), 2:16292]
colnames(exp.mat) <- cells
rownames(exp.mat) <- genes
meta <- read.delim(sprintf("%s/%s/GSE120575_patient_ID_single_cells.txt.gz",
datadir, geo_acc), header = T, sep = "\t", skip = 19, nrows = 16291)
meta <- meta[, 1:7]
treat <- factor(ifelse(grepl("Post", samples), "Post", "Pre"))
response <- factor(meta$characteristics..response)
therapy <- factor(meta$characteristics..therapy)
## Create Seurat object and add meta data
query.object <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = exp.mat, project = "SadeFeldman",
min.cells = 10)
query.object@meta.data$Sample <- samples
query.object@meta.data$Time <- treat
query.object@meta.data$Response <- response
query.object@meta.data$Therapy <- therapy
saveRDS(query.object, file = cached.object)
} else {
query.object <- readRDS(cached.object)
Some basic statistics - cells per group (Pre vs. Post, Therapy, Responder vs. Non-responder)
Post Pre
10363 5928
anti-CTLA4 anti-CTLA4+PD1 anti-PD1
517 4121 11653
Non-responder Responder
10727 5564
Select only baseline (Pre-treatment) samples
Reference projection
Load reference TIL map - if it’s not present in the working directory, it will be downloaded from the repository
[1] "Loading Default Reference Atlas..."
[1] "/Users/mass/Documents/Projects/Github/ProjecTILs_CaseStudies/ref_TILAtlas_mouse_v1.rds"
[1] "Loaded Custom Reference map ref_TILAtlas_mouse_v1"
Run ProjecTILs projection algorithm - note that human genes will be converted to mouse orthologs. Also, non-T cells are automatically detected and removed before projection.
| | | 0% | |==== | 5% | |======= | 11% | |=========== | 16% | |=============== | 21% | |================== | 26% | |====================== | 32% | |========================== | 37% | |============================= | 42% | |================================= | 47% | |===================================== | 53% | |========================================= | 58% | |============================================ | 63% | |================================================ | 68% | |==================================================== | 74% | |======================================================= | 79% | |=========================================================== | 84% | |=============================================================== | 89% | |================================================================== | 95% | |======================================================================| 100%
Plot global projection of human TIL data over the reference in UMAP space.
Interestingly, expression of marker genes of projected human TILs correspond fairly well to those of the murine reference map: e.g. Pdcd1, Havcr2 and Entpd1 expression in terminally exhausted CD8 TILs (CD8_Tex), co-expression of Pdcd1, Tox, and Tcf7 (at a modest level) in the CD8_Tpex state with a higher expression of Ifng; high expression of Tcf7, Ccr7 with low expression of Pdcd1 or cytotoxic molecules in the Naive-like states (that might include central memory cells); Cxcr5 and Tox coexpression in follicular helper T cells; Foxp3, Tox, Havcr2, Entpd1 in regulatory CD4 T cells, etc.
query.list <- SplitObject(query.projected, split.by = "Response")
plot.states.radar(ref, query = query.list, min.cells = 50, genes4radar = c("Foxp3",
"Cd4", "Cd8a", "Tcf7", "Ccr7", "Gzmb", "Pdcd1", "Havcr2", "Tox", "Entpd1", "Cxcr5",
"Ifng", "Cxcl13", "Xcl1", "Itgae"))
Note that projections and comparisons are performed in the ortholog space of murine genes - to check the names of human-mouse orthologs you can examine the conversion table for genes of interest:
which.genes <- c("TCF7", "GZMB", "CD8B", "PDCD1", "ITGAE")
Hs2Mm.convert.table[Hs2Mm.convert.table$Gene.HS %in% which.genes, ]
Gene.stable.ID.HS Gene.HS Gene.MM Alt.symbol
6099 ENSG00000083457 ITGAE Itgae Itgae
7381 ENSG00000254126 CD8B Cd8b1 Cd8b1
7835 ENSG00000188389 PDCD1 Pdcd1 Pdcd1
11096 ENSG00000081059 TCF7 Tcf7 Tcf7
16688 ENSG00000100453 GZMB Gzmb Gzmd,Gzme,Gzmf,Gzmc,Gzmn,Gzmg,Gzmb
6099 ITGAE
7381 CD8B2,CD8B
7835 PDCD1
11096 TCF7
16688 GZMB
Response to therapy
Now to the interesting part.
Let’s visualize the projection and TIL contexture of tumors that responded vs. did not respond to immune checkpoint blockade:
query.list <- SplitObject(query.projected, split.by = "Response")
pll <- list()
pll[[1]] <- plot.projection(ref, query.list[["Responder"]], linesize = 0.5, pointsize = 0.5) +
ggtitle("Responder") + NoLegend()
pll[[2]] <- plot.statepred.composition(ref, query.list[["Responder"]], metric = "Percent") +
ggtitle("Responder") + ylim(0, 40)
pll[[3]] <- plot.projection(ref, query.list[["Non-responder"]], linesize = 0.5, pointsize = 0.5) +
ggtitle("Non-responder") + NoLegend()
pll[[4]] <- plot.statepred.composition(ref, query.list[["Non-responder"]], metric = "Percent") +
ggtitle("Non-responder") + ylim(0, 40)
grid.arrange(grobs = pll, ncol = 2, nrow = 2, widths = c(1.5, 1))
In non-responders, there is a clear enrichment in the terminally exhausted CD8 state (CD8_Tex), while responders are enriched in Naive-like states.
To better examine differences in TIL contexture between responders and non-responders, we can visualize the fold-change of T cell state frequency between the two groups:
which.types <- table(query.projected$functional.cluster) > 20
stateColors_func <- c("#edbe2a", "#A58AFF", "#53B400", "#F8766D", "#00B6EB", "#d1cfcc",
"#FF0000", "#87f6a5", "#e812dd")
states_all <- levels(ref$functional.cluster)
names(stateColors_func) <- states_all
cols_use <- stateColors_func[names(which.types)][which.types]
# Responder vs non Responder
query.projected$functional.cluster <- factor(query.projected$functional.cluster,
levels = states_all)
query.list <- SplitObject(query.projected, split.by = "Response")
norm.c <- table(query.list[["Non-responder"]]$functional.cluster)/sum(table(query.list[["Non-responder"]]$functional.cluster))
norm.q <- table(query.list[["Responder"]]$functional.cluster)/sum(table(query.list[["Responder"]]$functional.cluster))
foldchange <- norm.q[which.types]/norm.c[which.types]
foldchange <- sort(foldchange, decreasing = T)
tb.m <- reshape2::melt(foldchange)
colnames(tb.m) <- c("Cell_state", "Fold_change")
pll <- list()
ggplot(tb.m, aes(x = Cell_state, y = Fold_change, fill = Cell_state)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
scale_fill_manual(values = cols_use) + geom_hline(yintercept = 1) + scale_y_continuous(trans = "log2") +
ggtitle("Responder vs. Non-responder") + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
legend.position = "left")
Indeed, CD4 and CD8 Naive-like states are the most enriched in responders compared to non-responders, while terminally exhausted Entpd1+ Havcr2+ CD8 TILs are the most under-represented, confirming the observation of the original paper that a higher frequency of TCF7+ CD8 TILs is associated with response to immune checkpoint therapy.
Taking advantage of the ortholog mapping functionality of
, we have illustrated how to effortlessly analyze
human scRNA-seq data in the context of a reference murine TIL map. Gene
expression profiles confirmed that T cells are accurately projected in
major CD4+ and CD8+ categories, as well as in more specific subtypes
(CD8_Tex, CD8_Tpex, Naive-like, Follicular helper, Th1, and T regulatory
CD4+ cells).
Comparison of transcriptional profiles and cell states of TILs at baseline from responding vs non-responding melanoma patients confirmed the original observation by Sade-Feldman et al. that the frequency of TCF7+ CD8 TILs correlates with checkpoint therapy responsiveness.
However, the TCF7+ CD8 TIL population associated to response seems to correspond to a naive-like state and not to the (PD-1+ TOX+) Precursor exhausted state previously characterized in murine cancer and chronic infection models (Siddiqui et al. 2019; Miller et al. 2019).
Moreover, this naive-like TIL population is unlikely to be tumor-specific, especially in the absence of strong evidence for clonal expansion, as the frequency of tumor-reactive cells among PD-1- CD8 TILs has been shown to be very low in melanoma tumors (Gros et al. 2014).
This might seem at odds with other studies showing that the presence of PD-1+ ‘exhausted-like’ CD8 T cells are predictive of response to checkpoint blockade in melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer (Daud et al. 2016; Thommen et al. 2018). However, in this dataset most tumors from both responders and non-responders did contain a pool of exhausted-like TILs expressing PD-1 (PDCD1), CD39 (ENTPD1), CXCL13, CD103 (ITGAE), even if its frequency was higher among non-responders.
Therefore, the presence of a pool of PD-1+ CD8 T cells in the tumor might be required, but not sufficient, for therapeutic success. Other factors, including total amount of CD8 TIL infiltration, spatial distribution, etc. might be correlated with the presence of naive-like CD8 TILs and with improved response. For example, we also observed that responding tumors had higher frequencies of Th1-like and naive-like CD4 T cells and lower frequency of regulatory CD4 T cells, which might also contribute to the improved anti-tumor response following immunotherapy.
In summary, ProjecTILs analysis of human T cell data in the context of a stable atlas provides a stable framework to compare samples across groups and conditions, and gives a more complete picture of the T cell states that are associated with immunotherapy response. While we have shown that robust ortholog signals can be extracted by projection of human data onto a reference mouse atlas, human-mouse mapping will also be beneficial towards the construction of stable human atlases, where inter-individual variability represents a major hurdle. Human T cell reference maps are now also available for CD8 T cells and CD4 T cells - you may experiment with analyzing these data also in the context of these maps (see also this case study).
Further reading
Dataset original publication - Sade-Feldman et al. (2018) Cell
ProjecTILs case studies - INDEX - Repository
The ProjecTILs method Andreatta et. al (2021) Nat. Comm. and code
Daud, A.I., Loo, K., Pauli, M.L., Sanchez-Rodriguez, R., Sandoval, P.M., Taravati, K., Tsai, K., Nosrati, A., Nardo, L., Alvarado, M.D., Algazi, A.P., Pampaloni, M.H., Lobach, I.V., Hwang, J., Pierce, R.H., Gratz, I.K., Krummel, M.F., Rosenblum, M.D., 2016. Tumor immune profiling predicts response to anti-PD-1 therapy in human melanoma. J. Clin. Invest. 126, 3447–3452. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI87324
Gros, A., Robbins, P.F., Yao, X., Li, Y.F., Turcotte, S., Tran, E., Wunderlich, J.R., Mixon, A., Farid, S., Dudley, M.E., Hanada, K., Almeida, J.R., Darko, S., Douek, D.C., Yang, J.C., Rosenberg, S. a, 2014. PD-1 identifies the patient-specific in filtrating human tumors. J. Clin. Invest. 124, 2246–59. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI73639.2246
Miller, B.C., Sen, D.R., Al Abosy, R., Bi, K., Virkud, Y.V., LaFleur, M.W., Yates, K.B., Lako, A., Felt, K., Naik, G.S., Manos, M., Gjini, E., Kuchroo, J.R., Ishizuka, J.J., Collier, J.L., Griffin, G.K., Maleri, S., Comstock, D.E., Weiss, S.A., Brown, F.D., Panda, A., Zimmer, M.D., Manguso, R.T., Hodi, F.S., Rodig, S.J., Sharpe, A.H., Haining, W.N., 2019. Subsets of exhausted CD8+ T cells differentially mediate tumor control and respond to checkpoint blockade. Nat. Immunol. 20, 326–336. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41590-019-0312-6
Siddiqui, I., Schaeuble, K., Chennupati, V., Fuertes Marraco, S.A., Calderon-Copete, S., Pais Ferreira, D., Carmona, S.J., Scarpellino, L., Gfeller, D., Pradervand, S., Luther, S.A., Speiser, D.E., Held, W., 2019. Intratumoral Tcf1+PD-1+CD8+ T Cells with Stem-like Properties Promote Tumor Control in Response to Vaccination and Checkpoint Blockade Immunotherapy. Immunity 50, 195–211.e10. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.IMMUNI.2018.12.021
Thommen, D.S., Koelzer, V.H., Herzig, P., Roller, A., Trefny, M., Dimeloe, S., Kiialainen, A., Hanhart, J., Schill, C., Hess, C., Prince, S.S., Wiese, M., Lardinois, D., Ho, P.C., Klein, C., Karanikas, V., Mertz, K.D., Schumacher, T.N., Zippelius, A., 2018. A transcriptionally and functionally distinct pd-1 + cd8 + t cell pool with predictive potential in non-small-cell lung cancer treated with pd-1 blockade. Nat. Med. 24, 994. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-018-0057-z