Memory phenotypes of CD4+ T cells after acute infection


CD4+ T cells play a central role in initiating and shaping adaptive immune responses. After pathogen control or clearance, the vast majority of activated CD4 T cells undergo apoptosis, but a subset remain long term, forming a population of long-lived memory cells. These memory cells will be able to respond more effectively following a secondary infection.

Differentiation into a specific CD4+ T cell subset depends on several factor, e.g. the tissue, the antigen, and which cytokines are found in the surrounding environment. One such subset, follicular helper T cells (Tfh), are located in secondary lymphoid organs and promote antibody responses via direct cell contact with B cells. However, long-lived Tfh cells have been difficult to detect and characterize. In their study, Kunzli et al. (2020) found that Tfh cells are particularly susceptible to NAD-induced cell death (NICD) during sample isolation, and proposed administration of an inhibitor blocking NICD to enrich Tfh cell populations after infection. We will re-analyze their single-cell data for NICD-treated cells at day 35 (versus a control sample at the same time point) using an automated pipeline.

For this purpose, we will apply ProjecTILs to analyse these samples in the context of a reference map of CD4+ T cells in viral infection (described in Andreatta et al. (2022)). This map can also be explored interactively through the SPICA portal at:

R Environment



scRNA-seq data preparation

We can download the single-cell data directly from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO).

geo_acc <- "GSE134157"
datadir <- "input/Kunzli"

gse <- getGEO(geo_acc)

system(paste0("mkdir -p ", datadir))
getGEOSuppFiles(geo_acc, baseDir = datadir)

exp_mat.1 <- read.table(sprintf("%s/GSE134157/GSE134157_UMImatrix_NICD_protector.tsv.gz",
exp_mat.2 <- read.table(sprintf("%s/GSE134157/GSE134157_UMImatrix_no_NICD_protector.tsv.gz",

Genes in these matrices are given by Ensembl ID - we will convert them to gene names.

# load conversion table

ID2name <- EnsemblGeneTable.Mm[["Gene name"]]
names(ID2name) <- EnsemblGeneTable.Mm[["Gene stable ID"]]
ID2name <- ID2name[!duplicated(names(ID2name))]
ID2name <- ID2name[!duplicated(ID2name)]

# Convert rownames in gene matrices
exp_mat.1 <- exp_mat.1[rownames(exp_mat.1) %in% names(ID2name), ]
rownames(exp_mat.1) <- ID2name[rownames(exp_mat.1)]

exp_mat.2 <- exp_mat.2[rownames(exp_mat.2) %in% names(ID2name), ]
rownames(exp_mat.2) <- ID2name[rownames(exp_mat.2)]

Create Seurat objects from the sigle-cell data. Here we also choose to downsample to 1000 cells per sample, to balance the contribution of each sample to the analysis.

query.list <- list()

query.list[["protector"]] <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = exp_mat.1, min.cells = 3,
    min.features = 50)
query.list[["protector"]]$Sample <- substring(colnames(query.list[["protector"]]),
query.list[["protector"]]$condition <- "protector"

query.list[["control"]] <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = exp_mat.2, min.cells = 3,
    min.features = 50)
query.list[["control"]]$Sample <- substring(colnames(query.list[["control"]]), 18)
query.list[["control"]]$condition <- "control"

query.merged <- merge(query.list[[1]], query.list[[2]])
# For Seurat 5
query.merged <- JoinLayers(query.merged)
query.merged <- NormalizeData(query.merged)

# Downsample to 1000 cells per sample
Idents(query.merged) <- "Sample"
query.merged <- subset(query.merged, cells = WhichCells(query.merged, downsample = 1000))

Spleen_0 Spleen_1 Spleen_2 
    1000     1000     1000 

Load reference map

The CD4+ T cell map is described in Andreatta et al. (2022), and can be downloaded from Figshare at:

You can also use the commands below to download the map directly within R, and load it into memory.

# Download the reference map
cd4.atlas.file <- "ref_LCMV_CD4_mouse_release_v1.rds"
if (!file.exists(cd4.atlas.file)) {
    dataUrl <- ""
    download.file(dataUrl, cd4.atlas.file)
ref <-
[1] "Loading Custom Reference Atlas..."
[1] "Loaded Custom Reference map ref_LCMV_CD4_mouse_v1"
DimPlot(ref, label = T, cols = ref@misc$atlas.palette)

Dataset projection

Next, we apply ProjecTILs to map the new datasets to the reference map. If enough cells (>500-1000) are present in individual samples, we recommend projecting them individually into the reference map, to fully benefit from ProjecTILs’ batch-effect correction. <- SplitObject(query.merged, = "Sample")

query.projected <- Run.ProjecTILs(query =, ref = ref, ncores = 3)
  |                                                                              |                                                                      |   0%  |                                                                              |=======================                                               |  33%  |                                                                              |===============================================                       |  67%  |                                                                              |======================================================================| 100%

Visualize the projection of individual samples. Note the distribution of cell subtypes in the barplots below the UMAPs.

plots <- list()
palette <- ref@misc$atlas.palette

for (i in seq_along(query.projected)) {
    sample <- names(query.projected)[i]
    cond <- unique(query.projected[[i]]$condition)

    plots[[i]] <- plot.projection(ref, query.projected[[i]], linesize = 0.5, pointsize = 0.5) +
        ggtitle(paste(sample, cond)) + NoLegend() + theme(legend.position = "none",
        panel.grid = element_blank(), axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank())

    plots[[i + 3]] <- plot.statepred.composition(ref, query = query.projected[[i]],
        cols = palette, metric = "Percent") + ggtitle(" ") + ylim(0, 70) + theme_bw() +
        theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank())

g <- wrap_plots(plots, ncol = 3)

Radar plots can be useful as a quality control, to ensure that expression profile for the projected cells match in a reasonable manner the profiles of reference subtypes.

features <- c("Ifng", "Ccl5", "Gzmb", "Cxcr6", "Selplg", "Id2", "Tbx21", "Ly6c2",
    "Cxcr5", "Tox", "Tox2", "Izumo1r", "Pdcd1", "Tnfsf8", "Ccr7", "Il7r", "Tcf7",
    "Eomes", "Ifit1")

plot.states.radar(ref, query = query.projected, min.cells = 30, genes4radar = features)

To summarize the effect of the NICD-protector vs. Control, we can pool samples from the same condition and view them jointly.

query.bycondition <- list()

query.bycondition[["Control"]] <- query.projected$Spleen_0
query.bycondition[["Protector"]] <- merge.Seurat.embeddings(query.projected$Spleen_1,

Projection plots and composition plots by condition, after pooling.

plots <- list()

for (i in seq_along(query.bycondition)) {
    cond <- names(query.bycondition)[i]

    plots[[i]] <- plot.projection(ref, query.bycondition[[i]], linesize = 0.5, pointsize = 0.5) +
        ggtitle(cond) + NoLegend()

    query.bycondition[[i]] <- cellstate.predict(ref = ref, query = query.bycondition[[i]])

    plots[[i + 2]] <- plot.statepred.composition(ref, query = query.bycondition[[i]],
        cols = palette, metric = "Percent") + ggtitle(" ") + ylim(0, 70) + theme_bw() +
        theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank())

g <- wrap_plots(plots, ncol = 2)

In line with the original publication, projection of CD4+ T cell scRNA-seq data into the reference map show that Tfh-memory cells are enriched after NICD-protector treatment, compared to control. Importantly, ProjecTILs enables analyzing complex single-cell data in minutes without specific expertise in T cell biology.


  • M. Künzli, D. Schreiner, T. C. Pereboom, N. Swarnalekha, …, C. G. King “Long-lived T follicular helper cells retain plasticity and help sustain humoral immunity” (2020) Science Immunology
  • M. Andreatta, Z. Sherman, A. Tjitropranoto, M. C. Kelly, T. Ciucci, S. J. Carmona “A single-cell reference map delineates CD4+ T cell subtype-specific adaptation during acute and chronic viral infections” eLife 2022 doi: